Symptoms and prevention techniques of jujube madness

Jujube madness is a disease that seriously harms jujube trees. With the expansion of jujube planting area, it shows an increasing trend. In order to enable jujube to maintain high fruit quality and yield, this article will lead everyone to understand the symptoms, causes, patterns and prevention techniques of jujube mad disease, hoping to help farmers.

1. Symptoms and pathogens

Jujube mad disease, also known as arbuscular disease, is a phytoplasma disease. Branches and leaves clumped, leaves small and wilting, can not normally flower rarely results; winter clumps dry and dry tribe. The fruit farmers call it "crazy jujube trees" or "public jujube trees." Jujube trees can be infected on the ground and in the ground. The main symptoms of the upper part of the disease are: the flower stalk is lengthened 4 to 5 times of the normal flower, and the bracts, petals, stamens and pistils grow abnormally and become light green leaflets. The diseased tree with strong tree potential will also produce small dwarf branches and branch branches; the positive and secondary buds of the development branch and the resulting mother branches will grow long and grow many times a year, continuously extracting small yellow-green branches and leaves, forming dense The branches of the branches; the whole branches are in the dormant state, and the buds are germinated in large quantities, and the yellow and green branches are drawn. The main symptoms of the lower part of the disease are: the lower part of the disease, mainly characterized by roots and stalks, which are brush-like dead. The pathogen is Mycoplasma-like Organism (MLO), a polymorphic plasmid between viruses and bacteria.

2. The pathogenesis and transmission route of jujube mad disease

Grafting and rooting are two ways of spreading jujube madness. The induction period of grafting method of jujube madness is above 30d~1a. Among all jujube varieties, Jinsixiaozao is the most susceptible to jujube madness. The symptoms of jujube madness generally extend from the local to the whole plant jujube tree. Therefore, once the jujube tree is diagnosed as jujube madness, the small tree will die between 2 and 3a, and the big tree will be 3 to 4 years later. death.

Jujube madness is mainly caused by grafting (such as bud, skin, branch, root grafting) and root infection. There are three main factors affecting the length of the jujube disease. The three main factors are grafting time, inoculation site and inoculation amount. In nature, jujube mad disease infection, in addition to grafting and root-contagion, can also be passed through the orange belt, such as the diamond leafhopper, the Chinese sylvestris, the red-spotted leafhopper, the concave edge, the leafhopper and other insects. disease.

Symptoms, causes, regularity and prevention techniques of jujube mad disease

3. Comprehensive prevention and treatment technology of jujube mad disease

Eliminate the diseased seedlings and thoroughly remove them to avoid cross infection between the seedlings. If you want to cultivate disease-free jujube seedlings, you should take the scion, bud or root propagation in the jujube garden without disease, and you can cultivate disease-free seedlings. If a sapling with jujube madness is found in the jujube garden, you should choose to remove it immediately. In case of infection to other seedlings. Use resistant varieties and rootstocks. Usually pay attention to, as far as possible to find and use seedlings with stronger resistant varieties. Jujube varieties with strong disease resistance and jujube varieties with jujube kernels can be used as rootstocks to breed varieties with strong disease resistance. This method is also a fundamental measure to prevent the occurrence of jujube madness. When planting with root saplings, do not use root saplings to breed on the spot. Root seedlings in situ breeding this seedlings and seedlings of the same roots are likely to cause cross-infection of jujube madness.

For the treatment of jujube madness, for jujube trees with lighter incidence, you can use 梧Numycin, which is applied once a year before the early spring sap flow and before the sap back to the roots in the fall. Before the early spring sap flows, The main line of the diseased plant is 60cm, drilled 3 rows along the dry circumference, or cut into the xylem, and then immersed in a 150-fold medicinal cotton with 450ml of 梧n-mycin solution, followed by a plastic cloth. At the same time, the diseased branches should be repaired; in the autumn, before the sap is returned to the roots, it is applied again in the same way in October, and the treatment effect on the saplings with less serious diseases is more significant. when, in diseased seedlings trunk around four holes were drilled, depth of the xylem, the retort plastic insert (Henan Agricultural plant protection system design), followed by a wax seal the borehole, seedlings per injection "Wuningmeisu "Liquid 400mL, after the liquid is injected into the seedling for 10h, the liquid will be absorbed by the seedlings, and the diseased branches will gradually dry out. The curative effect is similar to that of the application belt. This method is relatively simple, and the liquid is not easy. Loss. Eliminate weeds and wild shrubs, timely prevention Various leafhopper insect media from the beginning of June to late September, timely spraying 2000 times 5% avermectin, or 1500 times 2.5% cypermethrin, or 1500 times 5% flubendiamide emulsifiable liquid to prevent various insect vectors .

To strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, jujube gardens should be applied with more organic fertilizers and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and the soil should be treated with no-deep tillage treatment agent 300g/667m2, and the hole should be “preserved” soil biobacteria inoculant 300g/667m2 to improve the jujube tree itself. Nutrition, improve the disease resistance of jujube itself. In the process of grafting, we must pay attention to the disinfection work of grafting tools and pruning tools to avoid cross-infection of jujube madness. It can be burned and disinfected with alcohol.

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