Understand the decoration budget trap to fight a beautiful decoration war

General home decoration projects are based on actual material prices and labor costs. Varieties and prices of decorative materials are changing rapidly, and budgets are difficult to regulate by quotas. The decoration budget is a science. Households should master scientific methods when reviewing budgets to avoid spending money.

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The first move: filter water budget area in the budget

“Whether it is Baoqinggong or all-inclusive, only accurate and accurate measurement of the area of ​​the house can make an accurate budget.” Mr. Han suggested that the owner should do a homework before requesting the decoration company to make a budget. Comprehensive physical examination, even if it is the length of the window cover, toilet pipe diameter must be measured, be sure to be aware of the size of the various areas of the room, which is conducive to accounting quotations.

Mr. Zhang, the owner, said that his kitchen was 4 meters by 2.5 meters. He had to make a 5-meter “L-shaped” cabinet. The cabinet plate was purchased by him. Only woodworking was required. As a result, he found that the decoration company gave him a quotation. On the labor cost project, the amount of work was impressively 6.5 meters in the cabinet, which was 1.5 meters more; the same problem also occurred on the wall and ground projects.

It is understood that the labor costs related to area calculation include: hydropower, walls, grounds, and garbage removal. A considerable part of the renovation companies are often based on the construction area to the owners to do the budget, that is to say, the industry is mainly for the need to repair the public area to pay labor costs. Mr. Han said that some of the quotations seem to be artificially priced at a very low price and the main material price is not high, but the area is much larger than the actual construction area. This means that the renovation has not yet started and the owners have to pay extra money in vain. Renovation costs. Therefore, after getting the budget, the landlord may wish to look at how much water area is included in the billing.

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