The 8 points you must know about the balcony decoration!

Due to the improvement of living standards, the decoration of balconies has also become more and more important, and the role of balconies is no longer limited to the existence of drying clothes. Therefore, to create a perfect balcony, we need to pay attention to too many things. Let us talk about the balcony decoration need to pay attention to what issues!

First, the primary and secondary functions should be clear

Under normal circumstances, nowadays, there are about 2-3 balconies in the new house. We need to distinguish between the main balcony and the second balcony during the renovation. We also need to clarify the function of each balcony. Generally, the balcony adjacent to the master bedroom or the living room is the main balcony. The function should be based on leisure and fitness. It can be installed as a gym, tea room, etc. The wall and floor decoration materials should also be the same as the living room; the secondary balcony is generally associated with the kitchen. Or adjacent to the living room, room other than the master bedroom, mainly storage, washing clothes or when visiting, the decoration can be simpler.

Second, pay attention to the packaging quality of the balcony

The main purpose of the balcony package is to shelter from wind and rain, so it should be noted in the package when it is resistant to wind, and the installation is solid, but also to make a good seal to prevent leakage of air leakage. The lower part of the window sash is most likely to seep. Usually 2cm clearance is reserved under the window frame, and it is filled with special sealant or cement. If you have a window sill, you have to go outside for a water slope.

Third, understanding the balcony load during the renovation

What is the most important thing for balcony decoration? Of course it is safe. However, most residential balconies do not have a good load-bearing capacity. Therefore, we must understand their load-bearing capacity to avoid overloading the balcony. In addition, the weight wall cannot be removed.

Fourth, waterproof and drainage can not be ignored

Many families set up taps on the balconies, placed washing machines, washed clothes can be directly aired, or set the balcony on the balcony when the kitchen is used, which requires the waterproof floor and drainage system of the balcony floor. If drainage or water repellent treatment is not good, water accumulation and leakage will occur.

Balcony balcony decoration

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Trace elements include nutrients such as boron, zinc, molybdenum, iron, manganese and copper. Although plants require very little trace elements, their effects on plant growth and development are as important as large amounts of elements. When a trace element is lacking, crop growth and development are significantly affected, yield is reduced, and quality is degraded. On the other hand, too much trace elements can poison crops, affecting yield and quality, and even endangering human and animal health in severe cases. With the continuous increase of crop yield and the large-scale application of chemical fertilizers, the application of trace element fertilizers has become increasingly urgent. Among the trace element fertilizers, iron, manganese, zinc, Copper Sulfate, boric acid, molybdic acid and monovalent salts thereof are usually used.

Chemical fertilizers are usually divided into two types: macro element fertilizers and trace element fertilizers. What are the constant elements of Fertilizer? The macro element fertilizer is a fertilizer that consumes a large amount of crops, such as nitrogen fertilizer, Phosphate Fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, calcium fertilizer, magnesium fertilizer, and sulfur fertilizer.

Trace element fertilizer, often referred to as micro-fertilizer. It refers to fertilizers that contain micronutrients, and the crops consume less (relative to the constant element fertilizer). Although crops require very little trace elements, they are as important to crops as macromolecules and cannot be replaced. The application of micro-fertilizer should exert its fertilizer efficiency on the basis of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. At the same time, under different nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels, the response of crops to trace elements is also different.

Micro-fertilizer is a chemical product that has been used as a fertilizer in agriculture after a large number of scientific experiments and studies have been confirmed to have certain biological significance, which are indispensable for the normal growth and development of plants.

There are two methods for applying trace element fertilizers: soil application and foliar application. Since the application amount per unit area is small, it must be diluted with a large amount of inert material before application, and uneven application may poison some crops. Trace element fertilizers are often mixed into a constant fertilizer for application.

1. The crop requires a small amount of trace elements, and the range from moderate to excessive is very narrow, so it is necessary to prevent excessive use of micro-fertilizer. The soil must be applied evenly when applied, and the concentration should be ensured. Otherwise, it will cause plant poisoning, pollute the soil and the environment, and even enter the food chain, which will hinder the health of humans and animals.

2, the lack of trace elements, often not because of the low content of trace elements in the soil, but its low effectiveness, by adjusting soil conditions, such as soil pH, redox, soil texture, organic matter content, soil water content, etc., can be effective Improve soil micronutrient nutrient conditions.

3. Trace elements and nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are equally important and irreplaceable. Only when the requirements of plants for a large number of elements are met, the application of trace element fertilizers can fully exert the fertilizer effect, in order to show significant increase in yield. effect.

Microelement Fertilizer

Jinan Huijinchuan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. ,