Social migration: read the world in a circle of friends

Abstract In recent years, social media has infiltrated into everyone's life invisibly, and has profoundly affected social relations and social life. At the same time, social media as a carrier of relationship communication, let information transfer back to network topology and tribal structure, on the one hand changed the news communication path,...
In recent years, social media has infiltrated into everyone's life invisibly, and has profoundly affected social relations and social life. At the same time, social media as a carrier of relationship communication, let information transfer back to network topology and tribal structure, on the one hand changed the news communication path, on the other hand, it also brought new opportunities for communication: news began to flow in social media.
If the migration of media changes the physical form of information production and communication, then social migration reshapes the relationship ecology of information dissemination. When social media becomes the news portal, how does the journalism respond to the new pattern of relationship communication? When all kinds of segmentation social platforms rise, how do users aggregate? What kind of social view do they have in the "millennials" that determine the future communication pattern? Let us walk into the storm eye of social migration.

Social media dominates the news portal
Ten years ago, it seemed difficult to imagine that social media would occupy such an important position in people's lives. Today, we make friends, entertain, shop, and get news on social media. Social media has become a way of life that helps people reshape a network of relationships. Next, let's start with the series of report data and look at the current social communication landscape.

1. Everyone loves social networks.
As the world's largest digital consumer market research organization, GlobalWebIndex (hereinafter referred to as GWI) has been researching digital media consumption in recent years and exporting the Social Network Report on a quarterly basis. In September 2015, GWI released the “2015 Third Quarter Social Network Report”, and the report data once again showed that the social platform is very sticky to users.
(1) The average daily access to social networks is 1.77 hours. Younger users are more severe.
Statistics on the duration of social network usage in countries from 2012 to 2015
(Chart source: GWI, data source: GWI)
According to GWI survey data, netizens use social networks for 1.77 hours a day. In fact, this value has been growing continuously since 2012. It can be seen that the user's stickiness to the use of social networks is increasing. The data also shows that younger users between the ages of 16 and 24 have the longest access to social networks, spending an average of 2.68 hours a day on social media; followed by a group of 25-34 year olds who use social networking every day. The network lasts for 2.16 hours.
(2) Netizens generally have more than 6 social accounts
GWI data also shows that today's netizens generally have more than 6 social accounts, and up to 4 social accounts are actively used. Younger users between the ages of 16 and 24 have more social accounts. Among them, Facebook is still the most registered social network, with 80% user coverage and 48% active user rate. However, the challenge of social networking diversification for Facebook is clear: in 2012, Facebook users used an average of 2.5 social networks, but now it has risen to 4.3. It can be seen that social network users stay in the social world for a longer period of time, switch platforms more, and on the other hand, the demand for segmentation social.
(3) Emerging social platforms attract more young and active users
Although Facebook has the largest number of users, YouTube has the most traffic, and in 32 countries, 32 countries have more YouTube traffic than Facebook. Among the top 10 social platforms, Tumblr, Vine and Instagram have the most young users. In contrast, Facebook and LinkedIn have the largest age group of users. In addition, GWI also pointed out that although the industry is enthusiastic about video live social applications, the real usage rate of Periscope or Meerkat is only 1%.
In addition, since 2014, the proportion of active users of YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram has grown the fastest, while the number of active Facebook users has been relatively stable, from 5% in the first quarter of 2015 to the second quarter; Twitter from the first quarter to the second The quarter only increased by 0.3%.
It can be seen that Facebook and Twitter are still big social users, but they have entered a stage of steady development; emerging social media has attracted a large number of young and active users. The competitive landscape of social media has also changed the flow of information dissemination.
After a cursory look at the latest developments in social media, we are focusing on the question of how users get news on social platforms. In other words: Is socialization a new entry point for news?

2, Pew core data reveals: social as a news portal
The Pew Research Center reported in the October 2014 issue of Political Polarization and Media Habits that social media has found new ways to discover, share, and talk about news for users with similar interests, whether friends or colleagues. .
In the "2015 News Media Status" released by Pew in April 2015, it is again emphasized that with the rise of mobile terminals for the promotion of social networks, information flow has entered a new era. In the past, almost half of online users have obtained political and government news from Facebook, and this platform is driven by relationships from friends and colleagues.
In 2015, the Pew Research Center released the "News on Twitter and Facebook" report3, which stated: "The percentage of Americans who use Twitter and Facebook as sources of news is still rising, and this increase is mainly due to more Multi-user access to news, not from the growth of user technology.” The report also found that users turned to different social networks to get different types of information.
Social media as a news source platform, how many users will choose social media as a source of news acquisition?
(1) 63% of users watch news on social networks
The "News on Twitter and Facebook" report points out that the percentage of users who use Twitter and Facebook as a source of news is 63%. This figure is a significant increase compared to 2013, when 52% and 47% of users pointed out that they got news from Twitter and Facebook.
Pew pointed out that such growth is attributable to many factors, including changes in individual behavior, news agency actions, and changing platform filtering algorithms and content structures. In addition, the report also pointed out that a large proportion of American youth social media users now use social media to get news, and when they grow up, the proportion of users who watch news through social platforms will further increase.
The survey also showed that 59% of users said they would continue to pay attention to the progress of the event on the Twitter platform after the news, which is 31% lower on the Facebook platform.
(2) Different platform users have different content preferences for getting news
The Pew report points out that although social networks as users receive the same proportion of news, their potential news distribution strengths are significantly different. For example, the proportion of users who get breaking news from Twitter is 2 times (59% vs 31%) of the follow-up from Facebook. It can be seen that Twitter's strength lies in providing instant reports and live event comments.
Another difference is that news users on Twitter have a wider range of topics. When asked if more than 6 of the 11 topics were concerned, 67% of Twitter news users gave a positive answer, while only 57% of Facebook users paid attention to so many issues.
In addition, among the 11 survey topic options, Twitter users are more willing to browse the following four types of news than Facebook users: government and political news (72% vs 61%), international current affairs (63% vs 51%), business news (55% VS42) %) and sports news (70% vs 55%). On the Facebook platform, women are more likely to browse posts about health, entertainment, and community people and stories; while female users on Twitter are more likely to read news about weather, entertainment, crime, and health.
(3) The social platform may not be the most important news source, but it is of great significance to young people.
It is worth mentioning that although both Twitter and Facebook are important news sources for users, only a very small percentage of users believe that social media is the most important source of news acquisition. About 40% of Twitter and Facebook users point out that social media is the most important or important for news acquisition. In addition, 60% of users think that social networks are not important news sources.
This conclusion seems to be contrary to the above data. However, Pew subsequently stressed that it is important to note that young users pay more attention to social platforms as a news source. Nearly half of the Twitter users under the age of 35 pointed out that the social platform is the most important news acquisition channel, and the number of Facebook users is roughly in this range. This finding is also consistent with the findings of another Pew report. Millennials are more inclined to view the Facebook platform as a channel for political news.


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