Selection of 3 common types of door screens in summer

Brand shop: Create a balcony window

1, fixed push-pull / swing screen doors and windows

Disadvantages: (1) The sealing effect is poor and takes up space. (2) It is not easily deformed, and the wheel will rust for a period of time. Pushing is not flexible. Advantages: Cheaper prices.

2, invisible folding screen doors and windows

Disadvantages: (1) Mainly fix the gauze on the line, it takes a long time, and the line is easy to break when pushing and pulling. (2) Dust catkins will accumulate on the folded yarn and will not be easily cleaned. Advantages: beautiful appearance, elegant and generous.

3, washable stealth screen doors and windows

Disadvantages: (1) Most of them are domestically-made bearings, which are astringent, easy to rust, and difficult to rewind. (2) The fixed side of the gauze is not good, and the wind is large. The gauze leaks from both sides of the frame, which means that it is easy to run yarn. There is a problem with the seal.

Advantages: (1) beautiful appearance, high grade, and home decoration matching coordination. (2) does not occupy space, easy to use, strong sealing. (3) Built-in automatic cleaning system does not require replacement for many years.

As can be seen from the above, the removable and washable invisible screen doors and windows are the most popular because they are beautiful and easy to use. 50% of young families choose this style.

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