3 different structure basins 3 different functions

Introduction: The washbasin concealed in the bathroom is an indispensable part of the face and water close to complete relaxation. The pleasing melody of clear water and skin collision makes one feel relaxed and happy.

First, counter basin - pay attention to storage.

The bathroom is more and more concerned with the overall sense of space, which makes the bold design of the basin and the cabinet as a whole is widely respected, the cabinet is easy to organize and storage, so that the bathroom is no longer cluttered, such as wall materials and cabinet style colors properly, its more beautiful It goes without saying.

The cabinet-type washbasin is embedded in the cabinet-type combination, focusing on the overall look and feel. Cabinet-type basins are suitable for use in bathrooms with large openings. The design of the cabinets below can cleverly house all kinds of bathroom products placed around, making the space appear clean and orderly.

Sanitary Ware Optional Bathroom Space Cabinet Bathroom Design Overall Toilet

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